Determine today to start opening your heart to a lifestyle of knowing what integrity is and where it comes from. Acting with integrity means understanding, accepting, and choosing to live in accordance with ones principles, which will include honesty, fairness. Identifying and believing that God’s Word is the only standard by which to evaluate and develop our core values is the first step in developing integrity. Integrity is more precious than riches and more important than our comfort. So, living with integrity means saying yes to what God says is right and good, no matter the consequences. His truth is the only thing that will lead us to a life of integrity. Any other place we find our values or truth is a man-made opinion, and therefore not true integrity. He created us to receive our moral and ethical principles from Him. When we live our lives claiming that God is our creator, we have to understand that He created us to live based on His standards of truth. the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished:to preserve the. Why is it based on God’s set of principles? He is the author of everything right and true. integrity adherence to moral and ethical principles soundness of moral character honesty. Integrity means basing our words and actions off of His principles and truth.

True integrity is simply this- living and speaking based on what God says is right. Definition of integrity adherence to moral principles honesty the quality of being unimpaired soundness the quality or state of being complete unbroken.

Both of these definitions are right, yet, at the same time, incomplete. And its about being transparent about shortcomings, staying accountable and owning up. Its about having an ethical culture that permeates your entire organizational ecosystem. The quality of person you are is determined by how well you live up to the values that are most important to you. The definition of integrity in business is the same its acting with honor regardless of whether your actions are public committing to doing what you say you will do. And it is integrity that enhances all your other values. Having integrity means being totally honest and truthful in every part of your life. If we base integrity off of these 2 definitions, we end up living our lives based on a moral truth of our choosing and hoping others see us as trustworthy and right. Integrity is the core quality of a successful and happy life. In the dictionary, it’s defined as “sticking to moral and ethical principles.” In everyday life, integrity is defined as being honest and trustworthy.